The Cs
A foundation to making any behavioral change especially with new health habits
What if there was one common "first step" to making ANY health lifestyle change?
You want to try a new diet? Step 1...
Working towards new fitness goals? You gotta do "Step 1".
Trying to expand memory or learn a new habit? It's the same Step Numero Uno.
Well, there actually is... and I’m gonna share it with you.
So what is this "step one" you ask?
It's made up of The Cs...
Derived from Dr. Shirley Davis' "6 Cs of Diversity of Inclusion". There are some incredible parallels in accepting a new belief and creating beneficial change that overlap with the mentality shift required to make long term habit changes.
The five Cs are listed below. These highlight what it takes to get through that "Step 1" and create long term, beneficial change:
1. #courage
2. #curiosity (courage to ask why?)
3. #commitment (motivation to pursue)
4. #collaboration (collaborating with a support team)
5. #bias (understanding your core beliefs and restructuring them)
All of these Cs contribute to giving you a solid belief system to act on.
This clarity acts as the driving force of motivation. Allowing you to achieve beneficial and realistic personal change.
"Getting healthy" and keeping yourself that way takes a solid mental game.
Continuous exploration, openness to change, and adaptability contribute to maintaining a strong mental state.
Want to lose weight? Well, why?
Can you answer in a way that attaches measurable goals to that reason?
Does it serve you well in the long run?
Getting to the core of your aspirations can add a lot of value.
For example:
Losing weight to be more active with your kids is a good deal different than losing weight because of your expectations to look like a majority of social media influencers…
Value and measurable goals can apply to one of these reasons.
The belief you can or cannot accomplish something can influence what path you take for personal health, career, friends, hobbies…
It’s a good idea to get comfortable exploring why you do what you do and why you want to do something else *before* doing it.
Use the Cs to guide you in making beneficial health changes starting from your core.
Like my all-time favourite coach used to tell me, ex-track-Olympian J. Johnson would say, "the strength of your core is the strongest you can be. Now wrap up with some abs!” - And folks, it is so very true.
Now go try out some Cs. Maybe try by working on your mind and while doing some abs?